Our smartphones are small electronics that require care and regular cleaning. Everyone probably knows that a lot of germs and bacteria accumulate on phones, so our smartphones should be regularly cleaned with a slightly damp cloth with antibacterial liquid or spirit.
Dust spots and small particles are attracted to electronic devices, including mobile phones. The most difficult to remove them from the recesses, such as ports, speakers, microphones.
A dirty loudspeaker may lead to problems with hearing the interlocutor during a telephone call, hearing additional sounds disturbing the connection, and changing the sound quality.
The loudspeaker is usually secured with a special mesh, which, however, is often dirty. Sand, dust, pet hair, etc. can build up on it.
Ways to clean the speaker on your phone
An interesting fact may be a special application for cleaning the speaker on a smartphone. The Speaker Cleaner app sends out short, high-frequency sounds to make the dust and dirt particles move around and be removed from the speaker.
One good way to clean your smartphone speaker of dirt particles is to use painter's tape. Just tear off a piece of tape and put it to the speaker. By peeling off the tape, remove the dirt particles - this operation should be repeated several times. It is important not to use regular adhesive tape as it could be too strong and damage the device.
Another way to clean the loudspeaker on your phone is with a toothbrush. It must be a new, clean and dry toothbrush. Use sweeping movements to clean the speaker mesh, and repeat this action until the area is completely clean.
You can also use a computer vacuum cleaner with a special brush tip that will help you sweep away dirt. It has little power
Cleaning with a microfiber cloth is also a good solution. A stick with a cloth around it will come in handy so as not to damage the device and at the same time get into hard-to-reach places.
It is also possible to clean the telephone speaker with isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol). Isopropanol perfectly copes with dirt and deposits, evaporates quickly, and is inert to plastic. How to do it? It's best to use an ear stick or a soft cloth. It is enough to put a few drops of isopropyl alcohol on a cotton ball or cloth and wipe the dirty speaker several times.
Of course, we need to take care of our smartphones. We should clean them regularly and they will serve us longer. And to protect against damage, there will be covers and cases, glass and protective films, which you can find at our warehouse. We also offer chargers, cables, cables, headphones, adapters, transmitters, power banks, speakers and many other GSM accessories.